Monday 23 June 2008

Hemingford Weekend


Now that you have all hopefully recovered from the Regatta, thoughts turn to
the next club event which is the Hemingford Weekend on the above dates. One
or two boats will leave the 'Pike' on Friday 25th and stay overnight at St.
Ives on route to Hemingford for Saturday, where we will moor up and
generally relax until the evening.

We have a group booking at the Axe and Compass for a meal on the Saturday
evening and are hoping that you will be able to join us. The menu choices
are shown on the attached booking form, which needs to be returned with your
cheque to John, by 2lst July.

On the Sunday morning, weather permitting, we plan to all set off in the
dinghies to explore the back waters, which should be fun!

Click here for the booking form

May / June Newsletter



I am very sorry to announce that our Rear Commodore Derek Bunyan passed away recently. Derek joined the club in 2003 and with his jovial humour and sense of fun he quickly became a leading member, taking on the post of Commodore in 2006. In 2007 he and Tricia bought a new sea going Princess and began boating from Lowestoft enjoying time on the Broads. Derek fought his illness with courage and dignity and will be sadly missed by all his many friends. We would like to take this opportunity to send Tricia and family our deepest sympathy at this sad time.


The late May Bank holiday saw 10 boats travelling to the Five Miles Pub at Upware for the annual dinghy trip down to Burwell.

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day and perfect for the cruise to Upware, 23 of us enjoyed an excellent meal in the pub on Saturday evening, and we were all debating whether the predicted rain and wind would arrive on Sunday. Pitter, Patter, that was the sound that awoke us on Sunday morning an exact repeat performance of last year, the rain grew steadily heavier and by 10.30 it was decided to abandon the trip once again. Some decided to make the journey back to the Pike or to Ely while the rest of us went in the Pub at lunchtime to drown our sorrows. Surely next year it will be third time lucky.


This years Regatta was another fun packed weekend, even though the flooding did its best to put the dampers on certain events. Due to the state of the river it was a real shame that the Upware contingent could not attend by boat. Russell Bryant brought his caravan though and the Upware members who drove at least had somewhere to base themselves.

We managed to get all three marquees up and some chairs and tables set up on Thursday which was a big help, it made setting up for the Commodores Cocktail party on Friday much easier. We were all watching the River steadily rising and falling with each tide, praying that the marquees and Chalet bar would not be swamped.

Dianne Mead again put in lots of hard work to provide a super buffet on Friday evening and everyone enjoyed the disco and karaoke, which followed.

Saturday was overcast with a hint of drizzle in the air but it cleared up in time for the ladies fender throwing which was won for the third year running by Wendy Sheppard from the Upware Club, we really will have to start practising for next year. Steve Mead also retained his title for the Men’s fender throw, although Andy Purvis came a close second.

The Adult dinghy net a ball was held on the main river and with the fast flowing water made for good spectating; I’m not sure those in the dinghies had such a good time, some were rowing and not going anywhere, luckily there were marshals on hand to tow them back in, this event was won by Andy and Ben Purvis who retain their title from last year.

The Children’s dinghy net a ball was held in the relative safety of the marina and was won by Kerry and Connor from the Upware Club.

The ladies dinghy race was also held in the Marina and lots of people lined the banks to watch and shout encouragement, I think lots of ladies had been practising but Georgina Jones took the title with a very fast time and great technique.

Georgina’s daughter Lauren won the children’s race, mum and daughter obviously practise together, well done to both of you.

The boat handling was abandoned due to the strong current but was held instead in the Marina with dinghies. Mike Webber set the course and lots of people said they enjoyed both watching and participating in this event, so we shall consider keeping it in next years programme alongside the main boat handling, Mark Cullum and Lorraine Allen were worthy winners of the trophy.

Dog handling came next and I can tell you we have some very obedient dogs in the club, the ones which weren’t quite so attentive gave everybody a good laugh, this event was won by James with Milly.

There was just time for a spot of relaxing before it was time to get changed into fancy dress for the Hog Roast and disco. There were some very fetching outfits, ladies and gents in Uniforms, soldiers, sailors, land girls and boys, two evacuees a POW, a poor bomb victim and not forgetting our Commodore who looked very like Sir Winston Churchill with Janette as Lady Churchill complete with a fox fur and very fetching red hair.

Everyone tucked into the excellent hog roast and danced afterwards to the disco, we held the raffle, thank you to everyone who donated a prize, the bonus ball, and of course the usual ‘roll a pound’ hopefully another enjoyable evening was had by all.

Sunday dawned a bit misty and murky, but by the time some had emerged from the Hotel after a hearty breakfast the sun had broken through and it turned into a real scorcher. There was a Tombola and Boat Jumble in the marquee, the Schooner race had to be abandoned because the Pike and Eel Hotel could not muster a team, then it was time for the annual It’s a Knockout competition hotly contested between the Pike and Upware Clubs. The Pike won again this year 3 games to 1.

The club barbecue was lit and everyone relaxed and cooked their lunch in the hot sunshine.

The pitching competition was next and Russell from the Upware club proved he could handle a golf club by taking the title this year; the children’s event was won by Ben Purvis.

Beat the Goalie was next and again Ross Tompkins proved to be a formidable goalkeeper with some spectacular saves under his belt, John from Antigua Moon won the Adult title and Hayden Edwins the children’s.

It was decided due to the state of the river it would be too dangerous to hold the boat parade, so the prize giving was brought forward, and everyone gathered to see our Vice Commodore Peter assisted by Dianne, John and Janette hand out the prizes.

It was another fantastic weekend and hopefully everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A big thank you to all who attended and participated in the many events. Thanks also to those who stayed behind to clear away the tables, chairs and Marquees.

We really hope you had a good time and will be back for more next year.

Check out the PEBC website in the next few weeks as Steve Mead will be adding Regatta photos to the Gallery.

Here is the full list of winners below;-

Ship Shape Competiton – Staple Hurst Bonfellow Cup

Ann & Ted Warner PEBC(Anteki)

Ladies Fender Throwing Waverlee Cup

Wendy Sheppard Upware Boat Club

Mens Fender Throwing Pennant Trophy

Steve Mead PEBC

Adult Dinghy net a ball

Andy & Ben Purvis PEBC

Childrens Dinghy net a ball

Connor & Kerry Upware Boat Club

Ladies Dinghy Race (Rowing) James Mead Cup

Georgina Jones PEBC

Childrens Dinghy Race (Rowing)

Lauren Jones PEBC

** ‘Flood Special’ Dinghy with Engine - Boat Handling Course

in Marina (Adults only) Vice Commodore Cup

Mark Cullum and Lorraine Allen PEBC

Runner Up

Georgina & Bradley Jones PEBC

Dog Handling Val Doorne Cup

James with Milly

Runner Up

Kim with Holly

Illuminated Boat Competition Joreena Cup


Fancy Dress Adult Male (Bomb Blast Survivor) John Pear

Fancy Dress Adult Female (1940’s Evening Wear) Lorraine Allen

Fancy Dress Child (Naval Lad) Haydn Edwins

Schooner Race (PEBC against Staff of Hotel)

Abandoned lack of support from Hotel Staff

It’s a Knockout – PEBC v Upware Boat Club – Jubilee Shield

Winner of selected games PEBC

Game of Pitching (Adults)

Russell Bryant Upware Boat Club

Game of Pitching (Child)

Ben Purvis PEBC

Beat the Goalie (Adults)

John PEBC Antigua Moon

Beat the Goalie (Child)

Hayden Edwins PEBC (Paladin)

Commodores Cup (Highest points total in 5 selected events)

Paladin PEBC

Runners Up

Little Dorrit PEBC

Best Decorated Boat

Mike & Julie Webber - Rumpus PEBC

Quiz Collinite Cup

John & Dorothy Goodhew PEBC

War Quiz

Richard & Michael Smith PEBC

** (This event was in place of the Boat Handling Competition

which had to be cancelled due to the adverse river conditions,

strong stream advice and flooding)

Attention all fisherman. The fishing tackle shop in St Ives has now closed, the Pet shop near Waitrose has taken over selling Maggots.


A number of members have expressed an interest in taking a VHF radio course.

This year’s course is £90 including the cost of the £22 licence fee.

If anyone is interested in taking the course please contact me: -

Linda Skelton on 01462 637592 or email


Janette received this letter of thanks from the RNLI for our donation, which was raised through the ‘roll a coin’ at the Commodores welcome.

Dear Mrs Coulson,

I wish to thank you and the Pike and Eel Boat Club for such a generous act. It was a great surprise to receive your cheque and it is very encouraging to know that there are so many people out there that I don’t know that are willing to donate to the RNLI in support of this exciting and worth while event.

As the cheque was made out to the RNLI (thank you!) I will ask the RNLI local office to arrange a receipt, which I am sure they will gladly do. However, because it has to be done through the RNLI there may be a bit of a delay in you receiving it. Please, if it goes longer than you are happy with then email me and I will chase it up, or if I am already on the trip, then my wife will gladly do so in my absence.

Once again, many thanks and don’t forget to follow the trip through the web site.


Paul Churchley


We welcome the following new members to the club: -

John and Dorothy Goodhew Optical Illusion

Dennis and Sue Burniston Orion 11

Jacky and Dave Marlborough

Mark and Gina Shaw Nushka

James Justine and Kamen Buckle Day Dreaming


Hemingford Weekend Including Dinghy trip July 26th

GOBA 50th Anniversary Nobles Field St Ives August 2/3rd

Wedding of David and Andrea (Pike and Eel) August 16th

Cruise to Judes Ferry August 23-25th


Have you checked out the Pike and Eel boat club website lately? Steve Mead has done a fantastic job re-vamping it, with new gallery pictures, see if you can spot yourselves, a blog and you can even raise funds for the club by doing a spot of web shopping, why not have a look at

PLEASE NOTE Upware Boat Club Regatta will be held on 28th-29th June at Littleport. The Upware Club always support our Regatta at the Pike, why not go along and see what they get up to?