Monday 22 December 2008

Merry Christmas

On behalf of the committee, I would like to wish all our members a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. We hope you enjoy your festive season and look forward to seeing you all in the new year for another season on the river!

Best Wishes,

Peter Mead (Paladin)
PEBC Commodore

Tuesday 16 December 2008

New Web address!!

The club has managed to acquire the website address

You can now use this easy to remember address to access the existing website.

The old address also remains in place.

You can even just type into your browsers address bar, no www necessary!

Happy surfing.

Monday 8 December 2008

September - December Newsletter


Those of us arriving on Friday congregated around the Commodore’s boat and enjoyed a few bevies whilst sitting in the lovely sunshine before heading our separate ways for the evening, some of us ate on board, others tried the new restaurant on the quay while the majority went to the Chinese, there were mixed reports of the food, the consensus being it was better before they began the buffet idea. We finished off the evening in the Ollie Cromwell, which we found out stays open till past midnight on a Friday before heading off for bed. Someone who will remain nameless nearly fell in after missing the edge of the boat and hanging by the canopy rail before hoisting himself back onto the bank.

Saturday morning we awoke to thick fog, which took until nearly lunchtime to clear to another lovely sunny day, by which time everybody had arrived and there were 14 boats moored around the Dolphin. It was lovely to see Bernie and Dee back from their annual trip to Boston and the Witham, they had travelled down from OVRC that morning and Dee said Bernie had to stick his head outside the canopy to see where they were going the fog was so thick.
Janette and John handed out the Treasure hunt questions, which they had taken a lot of time and trouble compiling, and everyone went off to try and suss out the clues, some used it as an excuse to have a pint in nearly every pub they passed, a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

In the evening 42 of us congregated in the bar to hear the results of the quiz which was won by Lorraine and Mark who were presented with a bottle of plonk, well done to them.
We then sat down to dinner in the restaurant after which we adjourned to the bar and rounded off the evening chatting over a few drinks.

Sunday it was quite foggy but luckily it cleared a bit earlier and we launched 13 dinghies and Dave and Di Mole’s electric launch and headed off to the backwaters. We had to go at a steady pace because the rowing club was staging a number of races. It was quite a sight and people on the bank were taking pictures of us as we cruised into the backwaters and spent a pleasant couple of hours exploring. Unfortunately Dave and Di had to be towed back by Colin and Lia because they broke down but everyone else made it back OK and surprisingly dry this year. We stopped off at Floods tavern for a spot of lunch, which was very pleasant before drifting away back to our respective marinas.

A good time was had by all and for once the weather was excellent.
There were a good number of us staying on our boats on the Saturday evening, so after donning our finery we all met up in the Pike for a drink at 6.15 before boarding the 3 mini buses used to transport us to Slepe hall. Over 80 people attended, members and guests, along with the Commodores and their ladies from CMBC and UBC.
There was time for a drink and a chat with old friends before being called to our tables. Thanks to Dorothy Goodhew who said grace and then the excellent meal was served. Thankfully the staffing problems appeared to be sorted out and the service was slightly speedier than last year.
John our Commodore thanked everyone for attending and said he hoped we would enjoy the rest of the evening. Alan Taylor from Cambridge Motor Boat club, who also belongs to PEBC added his thanks and said how lovely it was to see so many members there.

We then began the dancing before the raffle was called, there were lots of prizes and I think some were luckier than others, going home with a carrier bag full. Peter organized the Roll a pound which was won by Mike Webber and Lia kindly sold the lottery bonus ball numbers. More dancing ensued with ‘Delilah being played more than once and sadly the evening sped by all too quickly. The transport arrived to ferry us back to the Pike and while some headed for bed, a few of us congregated in the Chalet bar for more drinks and a sing song, the perfect way to end a very enjoyable evening.

In recent years the weather for our last outdoor event of the season has been very kind to us, cold but dry, this year was to prove an exception. Saturday stayed dry all day although the sky looked very grey at times we thought we would get away with it, but by 4 o’clock it had begun to spit with rain which steadily got worse and worse and by 7 when the proceedings were to begin, it was really bucketing down.

The Pike members are a hardy bunch and don’t let a bit of rain deter them from enjoying themselves and we were delighted that over 50 members turned out on such a horrid evening to support us. Thank goodness for the chalet bar, which was lovely and warm and dry, and the Gazebo, which had been erected over the BBQ. Andy Purvis and Bob Wasiewicz did a grand job cooking the burgers and sausages and Dianne provided the tasty soup. Lynton had also made some Gluhwein, which went down very well.

Mike Webber and Colin Worthington Ellis did an excellent job letting off all the fireworks and by the time they had finished had to go and change ALL their clothes, Mike had to borrow a pair of Colin’s jeans as his were so wet, good job they are almost the same size.

We had a roll a pound at the bottle, which was won by myself, and a new game, which involved the ladies clenching a pound coin between their buttocks and dropping it into a paper cup, easier said than done. It was quite hilarious and was won by Julie Webber.
Dianne Mead was in luck tonight as she won the Bonus ball.

A big thank you to everyone for supporting the event and making it another fun evening.

The AGM was held at Olivers lodge in St Ives this year and we were made to feel very welcome. It was a good turnout and lovely to see so many of you there, after the normal proceedings we had an excellent three course lunch which was surprisingly good considering the price. Peter was elected our new Commodore with Julie Webber as his Vice; John becomes rear Commodore and will carry on as treasurer. John Bevan has stepped down from the committee after many years of excellent service and we are very pleased to welcome David Lindley onto the team, all other committee members remain the same.(See attachment). The Charlie belt was presented to Mike Webber, who had retained it from last year after managing to drop his new car keys in the river.
Mark Day presented the Presidents cup to John and Janette Coulson for all their commitment and hard work, it was a very popular decision and received a sustained round of applause.
Peter then presented Janette with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and John with a bottle and a lovely engraved tankard.

Taste of the Thames
Lynda and David Fensome took their boat Lady Lynda to the Thames for a few months this year, they have written a very interesting article, which many of you may find helpful if you are contemplating doing the same in future.

Having spent a most enjoyable weekend on the Thames with friends on their boat last year we decided to take the plunge and do the same ourselves. As we had neither the courage nor experience to attempt costal navigation we decided to have our RLM lifted out by Westview Marina and transported overland by Beverley Transport to Bushnall’s Marina at Wargrave. Our 12-week cruise of discovery had begun………

We decided to follow the low loader for the journey, a strange experience following your boat along the M25, we arrived safely and whilst the weather was cloudy and rain looked a possibility, we re-erected the canopy and filled the water tanks before heading
for Henley on Thames just four miles downstream. As we approached Marsh lock, our first lock on the river the heavens opened and we had a mini rain and sleet storm soaking us both, ‘Sods law’ therefore operates on the Thames just as it does on the Ouse. Thankfully all of the locks are manned (apart from lunch time when they are left in ‘public mode’) and most of the lock keepers are more than happy to take your ropes and give tips and advice about the local area, some even have ‘tea gardens’, sell plants or even sell a small selection of souvenirs. Many of the locks also have overnight visitors moorings.

Having spent a couple of nights on Henley reach (£6.00 per night) which was an ideal location to explore Henley we made our way upstream to our pre booked, temporary mooring at Benson. The logistics of retrieving the car was made extremely easy by Thames Travel (The local bus service). Being based at Benson was an excellent location for cruising upstream to towns such as Abingdon similar to St Ives, and the elegant city of Oxford, then through the very rural stretch towards Lechlade, the head of navigation. Heading downstream, towns such as Wallingford, Goring, and Pangbourne that nestle in the Chiltern Hills, offer good amenities, including free moorings and a good selection of watering holes. As we passed through the beautiful beech wood valleys that are characteristic of this stretch of the river it was a stark contrast to approach the Reading Caversham conurbation and it’s urban landscape. However it has a redeeming feature in as much as Tesco have a superstore on the riverbank and is therefore ideal for re-victualing.
Beyond Reading the river rapidly regains its rural aspect and small villages and towns such as Henley, Marlow, Bourne End and Cookham offer ideal overnight moorings. As you pass through Boulters Lock approaching Maidenhead and Bray you may consider that you detect subtle changes in the river and the mansions that line the banks tell you of the affluence of the area. The river remains very picturesque and it is a thrill to round a bend at Windsor in your own boat and see Windsor Castle appear on your starboard bow. Leaving the town of Windsor the river winds its way through places such as Egham, Chertsey and Weybridge, which begin to have the feel of the outer London suburbs. Shepperton was the limit of our downstream cruise and we had to allow time for our return trip to Benson.
Our estimated distance travelled during the twelve-week voyage was 350 miles. The basic costs of the sub-contracted elements are as follows. Lifts out/in and road transport for the whole trip was £1,500. The Thames experience certainly adds a further dimension to your cruising particularly if you undertake it on your own craft. Should any club member be contemplating such a trip either Lynda or David would be happy to answer any questions.
Tel 01582 881501

The committee would like to thank Di Mole for recruiting so many new members this year from Jones Marina in St Ives; we hope you all continue to enjoy the events we have planned for next year.

Andy Purvis can get boat show tickets for £10; please contact him if you are interested.

Why not come along to the Xmas drinks next weekend 14th December from Midday at the Pike and Eel, there will be a free drink and raffle and it is the ideal opportunity to meet up with friends and exchange those Christmas cards.

Long standing members of the club Paul and Carol Branson are thinking of buying a 42-foot catamaran with a beam of 21’ 10 and chartering it in Holland next year. It has two en suite cabins for guests, one double and one twin, and is fully powered, no sails. If anyone would like a fully skippered (by Paul) and catered (by Carol) holiday exploring some of the lovely towns and villages in Holland, they would love some feedback from you.
You can contact them by email at


Monday 1 December 2008

July / August newsletter

Sorry for delay in getting this on the blog, it slipped through my net!!




We had a fantastic turnout for the Hemingford Weekend, 14 boats made the trip from their respective Marinas and we enjoyed the glorious sunshine, which made such a huge difference to the weekend.
Some of us travelled to St Ives on the Friday evening and met up for drinks in the Dolphin before dining at the Chinese restaurant.
On Saturday we awoke to beautiful blue skies and set off for Hemingford, staggering our departure times so there was a minimum amount of waiting at the lock. The moorings on the common were nearly full although Dave and Di Mole and Pete and Viv McIntosh had managed to bag two spots, there was ample room on the EA moorings, and so by the time everyone arrived we were able to moor up with only a few boats having to raft on.
The afternoon was spent lazing on our boats or by the riverbank, while some of us took a trip to the local watering hole, which was very pleasant.
Saturday evening we strolled over to Hemingford Abbots to the Axe and Compass and 35 of us sat down to dinner. The meal was very good but it was so hot and steamy that some of us found it difficult to do the large platefuls justice. Most of us went and sat in the garden afterwards and remarked how lovely it was that we could still sit outside at 11 O clock at night and not feel chilly.
A few night owls had a swift drink sitting around Peter’s boat when they got back, while the rest of us headed for bed.

Sunday morning dawned another lovely day and at 11 we launched 13 dinghies and headed off up the backwaters, it was quite a sight and drew many a glance from people on the bank, I think we upset a few fisherman along the way too. Everyone agreed it had been a lot of fun.
Janette had devised two quizzes, just in case it was wet, some of us spent a few hours puzzling over the quite difficult clues but we were no match for the Purvis family who won both and were presented with two bottles of wine, just going to prove that four heads are better than two.
In the afternoon many drifted away, some back to their Marinas others to start holidays and true to form after 3 fine days we had a thunderstorm that’s the English weather for you.

Thanks to Janette for writing the next three reports.

On Saturday 9th August, Andy Purvis arranged a fishing contest for PEBC
Members. The response, at first was quite poor, however as the day approached everybody became excited at the idea and a total of 24 actually took part.

The prize was to be a cup and the entry fees. A couple of days prior to the event Mike Webber said he would like to donate a ladies cup as it had become apparent that quite a few ladies were anxious to take part, even if they had not fished before. So the competition took place as a Ladies and Gents challenge.

The weather was not too bad at the start time of 10.00 am, but by the time l.00p.m. arrived the wind had got up and the rain had commenced. At this point some people had given up as they had not caught a single thing and were also cold.

After four hours, the competition ended and the weighing in commenced. To our surprise the overall winner was Debbie Kiddie with 8 ¾ lbs, she won the Ladies Cup a bottle of wine and the entry fees, totalling £48, which she kindly donated to the club. Mike Webber was next with 6 ¾ lbs and received the men’s cup. Next was Colin Harris with 5 ¾ lb, he was give a PEBC key ring. A junior guest member Hayden had a very good result with 6 ¾ lb and won some chocolates, donated by Rachel Purvis.

Everybody agreed it was a really good day and lots of fun, especially those who were complete novices and want the event included in next years calendar. There were also plenty of tales to tell later from those whose fish had escaped and those that just missed the large pike!

Due to the heavy rain it was decided to cancel the BBQ.

Incidentally, the two winners were tutored by Brent Kiddie (who has fished for England) and if anybody would like to have some lessons in pole fishing, please contact Andy so that this can be arranged with Brent.

Finally, we would like to thank Andy Purvis for all his efforts in organising this event.

The Summer of 2008 has been extremely wet and a wash out for galas & events across the country so all week eyes were focus on the daily weather forecast for the 16th August predicted to be heavy rain. We have been very lucky at the ‘Pike’ for had we taken notice of the forecast, we may have cancelled several functions, but in fact the sun shone on most occasions. What did we have in store we wondered? Would the weather affect our efforts and contribution to the wedding of club members David & Andi

Friday was a pleasant day and members arrived early evening to erect the three marquees to house everybody attending the Saturday evening reception and make plans for the next day. It was quite breezy and so it was necessary to provide plenty of anchorage to the marquees, as we did not want them taking off!

Saturday arrived, we could not believe our luck, no rain and a warm and pleasant day and so we assembled the tables, leaving friends of the couple to complete the electrics and decorate the marquees. However, this was held up, as the couple could not find their car keys. It was then they discovered their car unlocked in the car park. Everything was still in place inside and they were convinced it had been locked on Friday evening. Later it was established that their room at the ‘Pike’ had been broken into and money and a mobile ‘phone had been stolen, with presumably the car keys. This was very upsetting but the couple carried on with their duties and the end result was three delightful marquees decorated in very effective purple drapes & ivy. The tables were decorated in the same colour scheme with confetti and balloons and the scene was set for the evening reception/ entertainment due to start at 7.00 p.m.

At Midday, the wedding & a family reception took place at Slepe Hall Hotel, in St Ives. All those who attended then proceeded to Waite’s Quay where five boats were waiting to transport the guests to the ‘Pike & Eel’ at Needingworth. At approx. 2.50p.m.the boats arrived at St Ives lock which was operated by the E.A. assisted by club members and proceeded through the lock. At the other side of the lock a flotilla of PEBC decorated boats were waiting and as the bride and groom came out of the lock, (their boat decorated by a flower garland made by Lynda Fensome) they were greeted by ‘Congratulations’ sung by Cliff Richard and played through a loud hailer from a CD on the Commodores boat. The procession then carried on to the ‘Pike’. Fortunately there was very little traffic on the river due to a spillage at Hermitage Lock, which held up the oncoming boats until the oil was disposed of. When they arrived at the ‘Pike’ the guests disembarked and more photos were taken. The bride looked extremely elegant and composed in her beautiful white wedding dress and the bridesmaids looked very pretty in purple. At this point everybody went for a well-earned rest!

David planned to have a welcome drink on each of the tables at the evening reception, but unfortunately this did not meet with the approval of the ‘Pike & Eel Hotel’ who were manning the bar and so it was decided that the wine bottles be given to the boats in the flotilla so that members could socialise prior to the commencement of the activities, which they did! The German red wine ‘Dornfelder Rotwein’ which David had provided proved to be very popular and it seems very potent, especially to those people that had not eaten! In fact some of them had taken their first glass or two at the lock in St Ives.!! The Jazz Band commenced the evening with lively music and everybody rushed to get changed, some slower than others due to liquid consumption!

The evening went extremely well, with two sessions from the Jazz Band, a very nice buffet provided by Diane Preece (the Hog Roast Lady) and later a disco and karaoke by Steve Mead. There was a mixture of Dave & Andi’s family, friends, boaters from the Marina and the PEBC, all dancing and thoroughly enjoying themselves. We had the usual Delilah and even the club song, ‘Bobbing up and down like this’ complete with the proper music. All agreed that it had been a lovely day and David & Andi were very happy and agreed it had certainly been a memorable occasion for them and that they had also been blessed with good weather. The rain did eventually arrive in the early hours of Sunday morning when all were safe in bed and quickly went away at dawn.

Unfortunately several members had to retire to bed early on Saturday evening & missed some of the celebrations as they felt unwell (I wonder why) in fact one had to wait an hour for a taxi and spent the time in the armchair in the toilet block (he must have been unwell to have sat in that). The wine was of course blamed for their condition, which also included loss of memory!!

Sunday was a busy day removing everything. Thanks to Andy Purvis & Ben who came with a trailer and transported the tables/chairs and marquees from and to the store, this is very heavy work. Thanks too, to everybody that contributed to erecting and dismantling the marquees, loading the trailer etc. The many hands on Sunday certainly made light work! Special thanks to Steve & Liz Mead & friends for their splendid disco/karaoke. Liz had made a karaoke programme especially for the occasion and put in a lot of work in its preparation.

I think everybody will agree it was a lovely wedding and a very memorable weekend and we cannot wait to view the photographs on the website.

Sunday afternoon saw David and Andi going off on their boat for a honeymoon, amidst lots of hooting and the music of ‘Congratulations’ once more.


Friday 22nd August, John & I travelled to Ely by boat for the commencement of the Bank Holiday weekend event to Judes Ferry. It had been decided that we would spend only Saturday evening at Judes Ferry and travel on to The Ship at Brandon Creek for the Sunday evening. However, these arrangements had to be altered as it was later found that Upware Boat Club had booked the whole of the restaurant at The Ship and so a decision was made to travel to the Five Miles Pub at Upware.

On Friday evening, we had a very enjoyable meal at ‘The Cutters’ and were joined by Colin & Lia, John & Gloria Bevan and David & Andy Adamson (the honeymooners).

Saturday we waited in glorious sunshine for Peter & Dianne to arrive. They had spent Friday taking the top off their partly refurbished boat and making it watertight. They left the ‘Pike’ at a late hour and headed for the The Lazy Otter, where we understand, they moored up in the dark beyond the GOBA moorings, which were full. One can visualise Dianne jumping off into the unknown! At midday we were ready to journey to Judes Ferry, unfortunately without John & Gloria, as she was taken ill. The main river was very busy and we travelled in convoy at a reasonable speed, so as not to upset the fishermen, however we did seem to incur the wroth of some rowers. At first we could not understand why they were shouting abuse at us, then we realised that Steve Fell from Cambridge Boat club was overtaking our convoy at considerable speed, oblivious of the rowers! After a very pleasant journey down ‘The Lark’, only one incident reported here when we were again told to slow down (which we had already done) by a gentleman waving a roller in the process of painting his hull. Peter named him Mr Dulux! At Judes Ferry we were met by Martin & Sally Dixon who had come by car and spent some time with us. Later in the afternoon we decided to launch our dinghies towards Mildenhall but had to give this up as Peter who has a long shaft on his outboard, kept picking up weed. We then decided to venture up Lee Brook as this had been partly cleared of reeds and had not been previously accessible. We travelled for quite some way, stopping from time to time to unravel the loose reeds from the props until we were not able to carry on. At this point we think we must have been nearly at Isleham. On the return journey, Peter ran out of petrol and had to be towed by Colin. It was all good fun! When we arrived back at Judes Ferry, Eric and Marianne had arrived and so eight of us spent the evening, eating and drinking in the Pub.

Sunday morning was forecast to be heavy rain and so it was! We cast off ready to go to Upware, safe and dry in our boats, or so we thought. We had not gone more than ten minutes when Eric’s boat decided to overheat (he had developed some problems on the way down and had to keep stopping, he thought he had a blockage somewhere)
and he was stopped broad side across the river and Peter had run aground! John& I towed Eric to the lock whilst Peter re-launched himself. When we got to the lock, who should we meet but Ray Gardiner (newest Pike member & an, who assisted us whilst we transferred Eric vessel to Colin’s & Lia’s boat as they were going back to Needingworth. Colin dropped Eric off at Ely Marina for repairs. Some time later we (two boats by now) arrived at Five Miles only to find it full. However, Ray had anticipated this and given us instructions of where to moor through the lock. These were delightful moorings. Even the rain had stopped and it was lovely warm sunshine. Later we were joined by Brad, Georgina and Lauren who had had a ‘blow out’ in their car on the M11 whist travelling to the ‘Pike’ on Saturday evening. The emergency service could not remove one of the wheel nuts so they took them & the car to Needingworth on a recovery truck in the early hours of Sunday morning, when they were later able to get the matter resolved and a new tyre purchased. We also saw David and Andy again and Mark & Lorraine. Nine of us ate at the Five Miles Pub, as Gloria had recovered and they both joined us again, for another pleasant evening.

Monday morning Peter & Dianne left early for Needingworth and related some hairy incidents at ‘Brownhills’ due to the windy weather. Brad, Georgina & Lauren left later and John & I went on to Cambridge and then back to Ely Marina, as we where not returning to the ‘Pike’ until after the Bowling event on September 6th.

Everybody agreed that they had enjoyed themselves. It was not without incidents of course, but this is all part of the fun of boating!

Janette (Pisces)

The weather forecast for the weekend was dreadful, torrential rain and strong winds, just the kind of weather you want for a leisurely trip down the Old West!! Steve and I decided to bite the bullet and set off for Ely on Friday, which during the day was not as bad as they predicted. The trip was not uneventful though, as coming out of Brownshill, Steve lost drive on the Port engine, so we went all the way on one, which actually doesn’t make a lot of difference along the Old West.
We met up with John and Janette who were already in Ely having stayed on after the Judes Ferry trip and we moored together on the Green. John had booked a table in the Cutter that evening and we had a very pleasant meal until the heavens opened and a thunderstorm raged outside. Janette was worried about the dogs as they usually try and bury themselves under the carpet, so we drank up quickly and decided to brave the monsoon, it was actually quite funny as we paddled our way through two or three inches of water to get to the boats, Janette’s shoes still haven’t dried out.

Saturday dawned a bit brighter but we had a couple of heavy downpours and apparently the river at the Pike had risen by about 15 inches and was flowing very fast, lots of people decided not to risk coming down by boat and getting stuck at Ely, which proved to be a good move (we were there for three weeks in the end) so everyone travelled by car which was a shame, the weather scuppered us yet again.

Twenty-five of us sat down to a meal and then we sorted into teams and began to bowl. A few of us had the same problem as last year with lanes breaking down, Andy managed to get two strikes and his pins were already knocked over. It was good fun though and John and Mike nearly did a Frank Spencer by following their ball down the alley, which was very funny.
Claire was determined not to get the wooden spoon this year and she didn’t, that fell to my husband Steve who got the lowest score and was awarded a packet of Skittles sweets, which was very appropriate. Brad won the bottle of plonk for the highest overall score and Naimh had the highest children’s score. Well done to both of you.

Thank you everyone for supporting the event by driving, it’s not quite the same as attending by boat, but hopefully next year! We keep saying that don’t we?

We welcome the following new members to the club

Danny and Chris Danson Spindrift 11
Richard Tipton Indulgence
Pete and Viv McIntosh Nevenco
Michael and Elaine Denman Dee Cee
Ray Gardiner and Tina Callear Derriere

Colin and Anthia Harris have sadly decided to give up boating after 30 years and are selling their boat Tradewinds, however we are delighted that they wish to remain social members, so we will be seeing them at some of our functions in the future.


St Ives Weekend incl. Dinghy trip September 27th
Laying up Supper Slepe Hall October 11th
Halloween/Bonfire Party Chalet Bar November 1st
AGM and Lunch Pike and Eel November 30th
Christmas Drinks Pike and Eel December 14th

We have a stock of Navy Shower proof Jackets and White T shirts if anyone is interested.

Georgina will paint a framed picture of your boat from a photograph incorporating a back setting from another Photo at a cost of 75 pounds. Make good gifts.

In the future we will be attaching the calendar of events every time we send a newsletter out, so everyone can keep up to date with club events.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Upcoming AGM

This years AGM is to be held on Sunday 30 November, 10.30 a.m. at:

Oliver's Lodge Hotel
Needingworth Road,
St. Ives, Nr. Cambridge,
Cambridgeshire PE27 5JP

We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Halloween / Bonfire Night


We will be holding the above annual event, which for the new members consists of fireworks, bonfire with food and drinks at the Chalet Bar commencing at 7.00pm. Halloween dress is of course optional.

The cost is £5 each for adults and children under 12 free. We will be providing burgers and soup. For anyone wishing to cook alternative food, the club BBQ will of course be available. The Hotel will not be providing the bar and so you will need to bring your own drinks.

No pre-payment is required for this event, as tickets can be purchased during the day or on the night from John. It would be helpful from the catering point of view, if all those who will be coming could let me know in advance, either by email or telephone call.

For any members who do not moor at the 'Pike' who wish to come by boat, I am sure we will be able to fix you up with a mooring with electricity, if required, as many members boats are already out of the water. Again, please let me know in advance.

Friday 10 October 2008

Reducing Photo's for email

Hi, I have produced a small video about the reduction of file sizes for photo's so that it does not take people so long to send event photos.

View it here

Tuesday 7 October 2008

St. Ives visit photos

Please click on the photos to go direct to the hosting site and view the photos full size.

Bowling Pictures

Please click on the photo's to go direct to the hosting site and view them full size

Monday 1 September 2008

Fishing Competition Photos

click here to view the photo's of the fishing competition. Website links updated soon!


Tuesday 12 August 2008


Hi All

Just thought I would put this bit of info on in case you are not aware of this FREE service which could save you money.

With the ever increasing use by the Financial Services Industry, Utility Coys, & lots of others of the 0845, 0870 or 0871 numbers which can cost a lot to call did you know that you can usually get a normal STD code number or sometimes even a freephone number by logging in to:-
Then click on "Search to find Alternative number"

Most phone providers call plans whilst including all normal numbers do charge quite heavilly for the so called low cost nos.

Hope this can save you money . I very rarely have to use these expensive numbers.


John (Pisces)

Friday 11 July 2008

Weather for tomorrow.

Hi, I have added a weather forecast to the blog. It appears at the top right of the page and will always show tomorrows forecast. Hope this is useful.



Thursday 3 July 2008

Download Photos

Did you know that you can download high quality copies of any of the pictures in the gallery?

While the slideshow is happening, you can simply click on any particular picture when it is displayed and you will be taken to the Picasaweb website where the pictures are stored. This will give you different viewing options, as well as the opportunity to download any picture at the size that it was originally uploaded at.


Monday 23 June 2008

Hemingford Weekend


Now that you have all hopefully recovered from the Regatta, thoughts turn to
the next club event which is the Hemingford Weekend on the above dates. One
or two boats will leave the 'Pike' on Friday 25th and stay overnight at St.
Ives on route to Hemingford for Saturday, where we will moor up and
generally relax until the evening.

We have a group booking at the Axe and Compass for a meal on the Saturday
evening and are hoping that you will be able to join us. The menu choices
are shown on the attached booking form, which needs to be returned with your
cheque to John, by 2lst July.

On the Sunday morning, weather permitting, we plan to all set off in the
dinghies to explore the back waters, which should be fun!

Click here for the booking form

May / June Newsletter



I am very sorry to announce that our Rear Commodore Derek Bunyan passed away recently. Derek joined the club in 2003 and with his jovial humour and sense of fun he quickly became a leading member, taking on the post of Commodore in 2006. In 2007 he and Tricia bought a new sea going Princess and began boating from Lowestoft enjoying time on the Broads. Derek fought his illness with courage and dignity and will be sadly missed by all his many friends. We would like to take this opportunity to send Tricia and family our deepest sympathy at this sad time.


The late May Bank holiday saw 10 boats travelling to the Five Miles Pub at Upware for the annual dinghy trip down to Burwell.

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day and perfect for the cruise to Upware, 23 of us enjoyed an excellent meal in the pub on Saturday evening, and we were all debating whether the predicted rain and wind would arrive on Sunday. Pitter, Patter, that was the sound that awoke us on Sunday morning an exact repeat performance of last year, the rain grew steadily heavier and by 10.30 it was decided to abandon the trip once again. Some decided to make the journey back to the Pike or to Ely while the rest of us went in the Pub at lunchtime to drown our sorrows. Surely next year it will be third time lucky.


This years Regatta was another fun packed weekend, even though the flooding did its best to put the dampers on certain events. Due to the state of the river it was a real shame that the Upware contingent could not attend by boat. Russell Bryant brought his caravan though and the Upware members who drove at least had somewhere to base themselves.

We managed to get all three marquees up and some chairs and tables set up on Thursday which was a big help, it made setting up for the Commodores Cocktail party on Friday much easier. We were all watching the River steadily rising and falling with each tide, praying that the marquees and Chalet bar would not be swamped.

Dianne Mead again put in lots of hard work to provide a super buffet on Friday evening and everyone enjoyed the disco and karaoke, which followed.

Saturday was overcast with a hint of drizzle in the air but it cleared up in time for the ladies fender throwing which was won for the third year running by Wendy Sheppard from the Upware Club, we really will have to start practising for next year. Steve Mead also retained his title for the Men’s fender throw, although Andy Purvis came a close second.

The Adult dinghy net a ball was held on the main river and with the fast flowing water made for good spectating; I’m not sure those in the dinghies had such a good time, some were rowing and not going anywhere, luckily there were marshals on hand to tow them back in, this event was won by Andy and Ben Purvis who retain their title from last year.

The Children’s dinghy net a ball was held in the relative safety of the marina and was won by Kerry and Connor from the Upware Club.

The ladies dinghy race was also held in the Marina and lots of people lined the banks to watch and shout encouragement, I think lots of ladies had been practising but Georgina Jones took the title with a very fast time and great technique.

Georgina’s daughter Lauren won the children’s race, mum and daughter obviously practise together, well done to both of you.

The boat handling was abandoned due to the strong current but was held instead in the Marina with dinghies. Mike Webber set the course and lots of people said they enjoyed both watching and participating in this event, so we shall consider keeping it in next years programme alongside the main boat handling, Mark Cullum and Lorraine Allen were worthy winners of the trophy.

Dog handling came next and I can tell you we have some very obedient dogs in the club, the ones which weren’t quite so attentive gave everybody a good laugh, this event was won by James with Milly.

There was just time for a spot of relaxing before it was time to get changed into fancy dress for the Hog Roast and disco. There were some very fetching outfits, ladies and gents in Uniforms, soldiers, sailors, land girls and boys, two evacuees a POW, a poor bomb victim and not forgetting our Commodore who looked very like Sir Winston Churchill with Janette as Lady Churchill complete with a fox fur and very fetching red hair.

Everyone tucked into the excellent hog roast and danced afterwards to the disco, we held the raffle, thank you to everyone who donated a prize, the bonus ball, and of course the usual ‘roll a pound’ hopefully another enjoyable evening was had by all.

Sunday dawned a bit misty and murky, but by the time some had emerged from the Hotel after a hearty breakfast the sun had broken through and it turned into a real scorcher. There was a Tombola and Boat Jumble in the marquee, the Schooner race had to be abandoned because the Pike and Eel Hotel could not muster a team, then it was time for the annual It’s a Knockout competition hotly contested between the Pike and Upware Clubs. The Pike won again this year 3 games to 1.

The club barbecue was lit and everyone relaxed and cooked their lunch in the hot sunshine.

The pitching competition was next and Russell from the Upware club proved he could handle a golf club by taking the title this year; the children’s event was won by Ben Purvis.

Beat the Goalie was next and again Ross Tompkins proved to be a formidable goalkeeper with some spectacular saves under his belt, John from Antigua Moon won the Adult title and Hayden Edwins the children’s.

It was decided due to the state of the river it would be too dangerous to hold the boat parade, so the prize giving was brought forward, and everyone gathered to see our Vice Commodore Peter assisted by Dianne, John and Janette hand out the prizes.

It was another fantastic weekend and hopefully everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A big thank you to all who attended and participated in the many events. Thanks also to those who stayed behind to clear away the tables, chairs and Marquees.

We really hope you had a good time and will be back for more next year.

Check out the PEBC website in the next few weeks as Steve Mead will be adding Regatta photos to the Gallery.

Here is the full list of winners below;-

Ship Shape Competiton – Staple Hurst Bonfellow Cup

Ann & Ted Warner PEBC(Anteki)

Ladies Fender Throwing Waverlee Cup

Wendy Sheppard Upware Boat Club

Mens Fender Throwing Pennant Trophy

Steve Mead PEBC

Adult Dinghy net a ball

Andy & Ben Purvis PEBC

Childrens Dinghy net a ball

Connor & Kerry Upware Boat Club

Ladies Dinghy Race (Rowing) James Mead Cup

Georgina Jones PEBC

Childrens Dinghy Race (Rowing)

Lauren Jones PEBC

** ‘Flood Special’ Dinghy with Engine - Boat Handling Course

in Marina (Adults only) Vice Commodore Cup

Mark Cullum and Lorraine Allen PEBC

Runner Up

Georgina & Bradley Jones PEBC

Dog Handling Val Doorne Cup

James with Milly

Runner Up

Kim with Holly

Illuminated Boat Competition Joreena Cup


Fancy Dress Adult Male (Bomb Blast Survivor) John Pear

Fancy Dress Adult Female (1940’s Evening Wear) Lorraine Allen

Fancy Dress Child (Naval Lad) Haydn Edwins

Schooner Race (PEBC against Staff of Hotel)

Abandoned lack of support from Hotel Staff

It’s a Knockout – PEBC v Upware Boat Club – Jubilee Shield

Winner of selected games PEBC

Game of Pitching (Adults)

Russell Bryant Upware Boat Club

Game of Pitching (Child)

Ben Purvis PEBC

Beat the Goalie (Adults)

John PEBC Antigua Moon

Beat the Goalie (Child)

Hayden Edwins PEBC (Paladin)

Commodores Cup (Highest points total in 5 selected events)

Paladin PEBC

Runners Up

Little Dorrit PEBC

Best Decorated Boat

Mike & Julie Webber - Rumpus PEBC

Quiz Collinite Cup

John & Dorothy Goodhew PEBC

War Quiz

Richard & Michael Smith PEBC

** (This event was in place of the Boat Handling Competition

which had to be cancelled due to the adverse river conditions,

strong stream advice and flooding)

Attention all fisherman. The fishing tackle shop in St Ives has now closed, the Pet shop near Waitrose has taken over selling Maggots.


A number of members have expressed an interest in taking a VHF radio course.

This year’s course is £90 including the cost of the £22 licence fee.

If anyone is interested in taking the course please contact me: -

Linda Skelton on 01462 637592 or email


Janette received this letter of thanks from the RNLI for our donation, which was raised through the ‘roll a coin’ at the Commodores welcome.

Dear Mrs Coulson,

I wish to thank you and the Pike and Eel Boat Club for such a generous act. It was a great surprise to receive your cheque and it is very encouraging to know that there are so many people out there that I don’t know that are willing to donate to the RNLI in support of this exciting and worth while event.

As the cheque was made out to the RNLI (thank you!) I will ask the RNLI local office to arrange a receipt, which I am sure they will gladly do. However, because it has to be done through the RNLI there may be a bit of a delay in you receiving it. Please, if it goes longer than you are happy with then email me and I will chase it up, or if I am already on the trip, then my wife will gladly do so in my absence.

Once again, many thanks and don’t forget to follow the trip through the web site.


Paul Churchley


We welcome the following new members to the club: -

John and Dorothy Goodhew Optical Illusion

Dennis and Sue Burniston Orion 11

Jacky and Dave Marlborough

Mark and Gina Shaw Nushka

James Justine and Kamen Buckle Day Dreaming


Hemingford Weekend Including Dinghy trip July 26th

GOBA 50th Anniversary Nobles Field St Ives August 2/3rd

Wedding of David and Andrea (Pike and Eel) August 16th

Cruise to Judes Ferry August 23-25th


Have you checked out the Pike and Eel boat club website lately? Steve Mead has done a fantastic job re-vamping it, with new gallery pictures, see if you can spot yourselves, a blog and you can even raise funds for the club by doing a spot of web shopping, why not have a look at

PLEASE NOTE Upware Boat Club Regatta will be held on 28th-29th June at Littleport. The Upware Club always support our Regatta at the Pike, why not go along and see what they get up to?

Thursday 29 May 2008

2008 Regatta; 7 - 8 June

The 2008 Pike & Eel regatta takes place on the 7-8 June. This years theme is World War Two. Saturday night is the night for everyone to put on their world war two fancy dress. Over the course of Saturday and Sunday there are many events organised to take part in, both old and new. These include Dog handling competition, Fender Throwing, Quiz, Dinghy Racing, Beat the Goalie and much more. Saturday night also sees the Hog Roast with entertainment.

Friday 6 June is the Commodores cocktail party, which is invite only. If you have an invite, please respond as we need to establish numbers beforehand.

Regatta Prices are as follows:

Hog Roast meal and entertainment Saturday - £10 per adult, £5 per child
Entertainment only Saturday - £5 per adult, free for children
Sunday morning breakfast at the Pike & Eel hotel - £7
Programme - £4 or a bottle of wine
Raffle - £1 for a strip of tickets

We hope to see you there

Tuesday 20 May 2008


Dear Members

You will have recently had my circular informing everybody of the sad loss of Derek - the Rear Commodore. We now have details of the funeral arrangements, which are:

Wednesday 4th June - 1.30 pm
West Chapel
Cambridge Crematorium
Huntingdon Road

The boat club have made a donation to the family's chosen charity.



Hi All

Upware Boat Club have invited us to join them for their Regatta to be held at The Black Horse at Littleport. Janette has sent out full details & booking form.
If you are interested & not received these details please be in touch for copies.

Janette & myself will be going and as UBC come to our Regatta in large numbers I would ask as many as possible to join us. Good opportunity to cruise & perhaps travel on fresh waters for our newer members.

See you soon


Thursday 15 May 2008

Spring Newsletter

Welcome to the spring edition of the Newsletter, it seems the weather is going to be a factor in this years boating calendar. There has been more flooding and due to the inclement weather forecast for the Easter weekend regrettably the social and BBQ had to be cancelled, it was thought no-one would want to be standing around on the riverbank shivering in the SNOW, even if we could get to our boats, although a few hardy souls still braved the weather and stayed all over Easter.

As we were away for both the Pre-season lunch and the Chalet bar clean up, Janette has been kind enough to write a review of both.


Saturday 15th March dawned and emerged into a lovely Spring Day with a temperature of 14 degrees – great for sorting out the Chalet Bar ready for the first outdoor event of the season a social and BBQ on 22nd March – Easter Saturday.

The recent floods had subsided and left a tide-mark up to about l8” inside the clubhouse as well as lots of mud, now dried in on the carpet tiles and very wet boxes and other objects.

The work party consisted of members of the committee and other volunteers.

The first job was to remove everything from the hut, after that, most of the contents had to be washed, dried and repacked in fresh boxes. Ben Purvis did a great job washing all the glasses; apparently he was bored at home, but did not know what was in store for him at the Marina! It also became apparent that a vacuum cleaner over the carpet tiles was not going to be successful and so it was decided to hire an industrial cleaner which was used in conjunction with a pressure washer and achieved a good result. However, there were a number of people with aching backs on Sunday morning. There were a number of items that were spoilt including the small fridge, which had to be dumped.

You will be interested to know that we have a number of expert window and carpet cleaners on the committee!! Also Jackie Simms is very good at washing curtains!

Colin was extremely useful, he took the doors off and made them fit again and work commenced on sanding and varnishing the three tables that had stayed outside the hut all winter.

Naturally we all retired to the hotel for refreshment at lunchtime, so that we could return to work full of vigour. However, this was short lived as it started to rain and everything had to be put back in a hurry. Fingers crossed everything will have dried out for the 22nd.

Our thanks go to all those who helped, we all worked very hard but nonetheless enjoyable.


Sunday dawned a really horrible day, wet and windy, everywhere saturated from the really heavy torrential rain that had occurred during Saturday night. On arrival at the Marina, we found the river was in full flood once more, with a fast flow, waves and white horses. There was a lot of debris floating past including a large barrel. Most members had passed fields flooded on their journey to the Pike, which indicated the amount of rain that had fallen in a short time. There were some brave canoeists about, who thought they were on the rapids, but they were engaged in a dangerous past time and should not have put themselves or others at risk.

We met in the bar at noon for drinks and a chat, as most people had not seen each other since the laying up supper, although some of course had met on the Winter Trip.

Much to our surprise Luigi and staff at the Pike had rallied round and let us use the restaurant instead of the breakfast room. This was very nice, five tables all set out to accommodate 50 people. The week had commenced with 56 attending but the usual winter illness had crept in and we had some last minute cancellations. We were however very pleased to see Derek Bunyan (rear Commodore) and Tricia who joined us after his recent spell in hospital again.

Everyone agreed the food was excellent and we were then able to relax while Derek

did us the honour of calling the raffle numbers for the numerous prizes that had been so kindly donated. Also, we had a club jacket for auction and this was modelled by Colin. The money, £l5 for this went to club funds. The total of the raffle was £12l. and our thanks go to Lia for the excellent job of selling the tickets and to Julie for collecting tips for the Pike staff.

John thanked everyone for attending and reminded about the events to ‘kick off’ the season.


The Commodores welcome was a great success with over 80 people attending, even the weather was in our favour, it was a glorious sunny day and there were lots of willing hands to help put up the marquees.

Members were greeted with a welcome drink and then proceeded to get to know each other, we had quite a few new members to the club, which was a lovely informal way of getting to know them, hopefully they will join us on some of the excursions we have planned this year.

Our Commodore John thanked everyone for attending and after outlining some of the forthcoming events declared that the food was ready and everyone tucked into the excellent buffet which was prepared by Dianne and Liz Mead.

Steve Mead assisted by George Purvis was DJ for the evening and soon members were bopping away with a stint of Karaoke to follow, which again turned up some surprises notably Ann Warner, who has an amazing voice and received the biggest cheer of the night.

We held the raffle and bonus ball and also a Roll a Pound at the Bottle in aid of the RNLI, members were very generous and our Commodore John whose pound was actually closest donated the £20 prize to the RNLI as well, making a grand total of £67.

Thank you to everyone who attended and made it another memorable night, also thanks to everyone who helped with the Marquees and setting up of tables and chairs, remember to keep a lookout on the website for the photos which will be posted in the near future you may spot yourself.


A number of members have expressed an interest in taking a VHF radio course.

I am endeavouring to find out the cost of this years course but as a rough guide last year it was £90 including the cost of the £22 licence fee, so I would not imagine this years has gone up that much.

If anyone is interested in taking the course please contact me:-

Linda Skelton on 01462 637592 or email


We welcome the following new members to the club:-

Andrew and Jane Humphrey Mantaray

Bernard and Christine Webber Water Lily

Bradley, Georgina, Lauren and Ryan Jones Little Dorrit

John and Dorothy Goodhew Optical Illusion

Martin Harman and Deborah Church Sandrick


Open Weekend CMBC May 3-5th

Cruise to Upware with dinghy trip May 24-26th

Commodores Cocktail Party June 6th

PEBC Regatta June 7-8th

Below is an outline of both the Burwell and Regatta events, we need to know numbers for both of these so if you would like to attend please complete the booking forms attached and return them to John Coulson


The cruise to the moorings at the Five Miles from Anywhere pub at Upware takes place on 24th May although some members are intending to travel to Upware on Friday 23rd.

We are having a meal (optional), in the pub on Saturday evening the cost is £12.00 for two courses, there is also an optional breakfast in the pub on Sunday morning, (lovely, saves cooking it yourself) for £6.35, if you would like to attend the meal, the breakfast or both, please indicate your choices by filling in the enclosed booking form and sending your cheque made payable to PEBC to John Coulson by the 17th May.

On Sunday we launch the dinghies and after leaving the lock, we cruise down past Wicken Fen and into Burwell Lode, after about an hour we reach the Pub where lunch can be purchased, either from the Barbecue or the Sunday lunch menu. For those who do not possess a dinghy there may be space in other dinghies or perhaps we may even be able to provide one, also a motor cruiser may be making the trip down to Burwell, so feel free to come. We cruise back in the afternoon and spend the evening relaxing on our boats or in the pub, making our way back to the Pike on Bank Holiday Monday.

REGATTA (6th – 8th JUNE)

The Regatta is held at the Pike and Eel on the weekend of 6-8th June.

It is the main event on our calendar and always proves to be a most enjoyable weekend. The theme for this years Regatta is ‘World War Two’, so start thinking about your fancy dress costume now.

Friday evening is the Commodores Cocktail Party in the Chalet bar, where arrival drink and finger buffet food will be provided. John will be sending out the invitations nearer the time. The ‘Pike’ will be manning the bar for the whole weekend and members are reminded that on this occasion only drink purchased from the bar to be consumed in the Chalet Bar and Marquees.

Saturday there will be games, boat-handling competition (weather permitting) illuminated boat competition and in the evening a hog roast with entertainment, which is £10 per head, £5 for children under 16 and £5 for anyone wishing to attend the entertainment only. This is also when we dress up in the hope of winning the fancy dress competition.

On Sunday there is an optional full English breakfast with tea or coffee being served in the Hotel. A boat jumble and tombola with more games commence after this and Andy will light the barbecue at lunchtime for you to cook your own food. There will also be the procession of the fleet dressed in all their bunting, rounding off the afternoon with the prize giving.

It really is a fun packed weekend, so why not come along and join in.

We need to know numbers in advance, so if you wish to attend let us know by filling in the slip on the bottom of the Booking form and return it to John, so we can reserve tickets, which will be ready for payment in the Marquee on the Saturday morning of the regatta along with the programme and raffle. Donations for this would be gratefully received. Could you also let us know if you require a mooring for the weekend?


Have you checked out the Pike and Eel boat club website lately? Steve Mead has done a fantastic job re-vamping it, with new gallery pictures, see if you can spot yourselves, a blog and you can even raise funds for the club by doing a spot of web shopping, why not have a look at

PLEASE NOTE Upware Boat Club Regatta will be held on 28th-29th June at Littleport.