Thursday 29 May 2008

2008 Regatta; 7 - 8 June

The 2008 Pike & Eel regatta takes place on the 7-8 June. This years theme is World War Two. Saturday night is the night for everyone to put on their world war two fancy dress. Over the course of Saturday and Sunday there are many events organised to take part in, both old and new. These include Dog handling competition, Fender Throwing, Quiz, Dinghy Racing, Beat the Goalie and much more. Saturday night also sees the Hog Roast with entertainment.

Friday 6 June is the Commodores cocktail party, which is invite only. If you have an invite, please respond as we need to establish numbers beforehand.

Regatta Prices are as follows:

Hog Roast meal and entertainment Saturday - £10 per adult, £5 per child
Entertainment only Saturday - £5 per adult, free for children
Sunday morning breakfast at the Pike & Eel hotel - £7
Programme - £4 or a bottle of wine
Raffle - £1 for a strip of tickets

We hope to see you there

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